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Hello and a warm welcome to Willow's class page. 


In Willow you will find Year 1 and Year 2 pupils taught by:

 Class Teacher - Mrs Clough

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Dearden and Miss Leigh

In our class, we nurture our children as they continue their school journey with us. We know that children learn best when they are content and happy. Teaching and learning in Willow class continues on from EYFS whereby we have lots of structured, play-based, hands-on experiences that excite and engage our learners whilst developing their independence and resilience skills.

Our classroom has been specially designed to create communication friendly spaces that encourage collaborative learning. Calming neutral and natural tones set the backdrop for our learning landscape. We celebrate nature and spend as much time outdoors as we can.

Willow Class 

You will find all useful documents from Willow Class here


Our Learning Space

We LOVE our learning spaces!

At Emmanuel Holcombe we place huge importance on mental well-being and outdoor learning. We believe it is really important to spend time getting to know the children and allow time for the children to connect with each other. As such, we have calm and happy children, who are ready to learn.


Inside Our Classroom

Our Outside Space


Willow Class Newsletter

Here is our Welcome letter for Willow Class. It will inform you of everything you need to know ready to start in September.


Willow Class Trips Overview

Please take a look at all of the trips and visitors we have booked over the two years in Willow Class.

Willow Class Curriculum Map Year A 2024-25

Find out which topics your child will be studying this year.


Reading and Writing

Phonics is a way of teaching children how to read and write. It helps children hear, identify and use different sounds that distinguish one word from another in the English language. The Department of Education establishes thecore criteria for effective systematic synthetic phonics teaching programmes. Using phonics programmes, children are taught to read and write using phonics, which is by directly linking phonemes (sounds in words) and graphemes(the symbols used to represent them). There are 6 phonics phases.


EYFS children will develop their listening skills and begin to learn the phonics sounds.

Common exception words

Common exception words are words where the usual spelling rule doesn't apply; such as "friend", "there", "they" and "said". Some of these exception words are used frequently, therefore children are introduced to common exception words in year 1 and year 2.

As children come across unfamiliar spelling and sound patterns in tricky words, their phonics knowledge won't always help them to sound out and read the word. Having these lists of the most commonly occurring exception words for years 1 & 2, will help to expand their vocabulary and gain the confidence to tackle common exception words.

Children will learn about phonemes and focus on the 19 most used single letter sounds, starting with s, a, t, p, i, n.

Children will learn around 25 less common phonemes and more tricky words like 'me,' 'was' and 'they'.

This level will help to hone a child's knowledge.

This level will usually take the whole of Year 1 and introduces other spellings for sounds and new graphemes.


The DFE states that "Pupils should be taught to:

  • sit correctly at a table, holding a pencil comfortably and correctly

  • begin to form lower-case letters in the correct direction, starting and finishing in the right place

  • form capital letters

  • form digits 0-9

  • understand which letters belong to which handwriting ‘families’ (i.e. letters that are formed in similar ways) and to practise these."

The document below well help you to understand the letter families and the correct letter formation that we teach in school.

Taught during Year 2 with the goal of children being fluent readers and accurate spellers.

For further information please view the Phonics page here.

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TEL: 01706 823498

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