Science vision
Growing together in love and learning, through faith, family and friendship.
"Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ."


The PTA is a group of parents and teachers who meet on a regular basis to discuss and organise events to raise money for the benefit of the children in the school. This can be anything from buying wood, stone or artificial grass for the new outdoor area, buying iPads or supplementing school trips . Anyone can attend these meetings and the website will be updated with information on where and when the next meeting will take place.
The PTA also runs social events for the parents and children as we believe it’s important for the school community that we have an opportunity to get to know one another.
If you are interested in helping out at an event, if you have any ideas on how we can raise money or if you just want to get involved, please contact one of the PTA members or ask at the school office for further details