Science vision
Growing together in love and learning, through faith, family and friendship.
"Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ."


Our school uniform is a key component of Emmanuel Holcombe's identity. We strongly believe that pride in our uniform inspires pride in our school and we celebrate excellent uniform standards. Please note however, that we do not expect logoed uniform. Plain red jumpers/cardigans and plain white polo shirts are perfectly acceptable and available from local supermarkets. Our PTA also hold pre-loved uniform sales in school every half term, during our cake sales. All items with the school logo are available from Murrays Family Clothing in Ramsbottom.
We are here to support you, so please speak to a member of staff if you have any concerns regarding uniform.
Please note: We would urge you to label all uniform so we can return it when it gets misplaced. We also have a lost property basket in our foyer.
Uniform list:
White polo shirt, or white shirt or blouse with school tie (optional)
Red sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan
Grey trousers / skirt / pinafore dress (not leggings)
White, red, grey or black socks or tights
Black flat-heeled shoes
Red/white gingham dress, or grey shorts
For PE and Games – all long hair must be tied back. Stud earrings must be removed.
Reception P.E. uniform:
Plain white t-shirt
Blue shorts
Black pumps
NB: Please place P.E. kit in a named drawstring bag with all items clearly labelled with your child’s name. PE kit is left in school during term time and sent home during holidays for washing.
Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 P.E. uniform: 'Blues' days:
White polo shirt
Navy blue sweatshirt
Navy blue jogging pants
Navy blue shorts in the summer
Plain black, grey, navy or white trainers (no logos please)
Seasonal Outdoor Learning Kit:
Hat, scarf and gloves
Sunhat and sun cream
Please note, we do not allow nail varnish or jewellery. Long hair should always be tied back.
School ties and book bags, embroidered with the school logo, can be purchased from the school office. Due to limited space in school, we ask that children use a book bag to bring their learning to and from school, rather than any other type of bag.